As a child, I was blessed to grow up in a community full of natural wonder and deep reverence for the organic world. Playing as a young one in the hollowed-out stumps of giant coastal redwoods and the salty tide pools of the Pacific shoreline nurtured a spiritual curiosity about the creativity I witnessed in nature. I was not raised in a religious household bound by any particular dogma, yet somehow the miraculous cosmic design of all things was indisputable when I compared the grandness of a sequoia trunk to the minutiae of raindrops collecting in the moss beds at its base.

There is something about nurturing our awe in the poetics of natural phenomena that nourishes our creative capacity as humans. This connection has led me to the emerging field of expressive eco-arts therapy. As we study the creative resiliency of this planet’s biosphere, truths emerge which, applied to our own small lives, increase joy, peace, wonder, and connection. Mother Earth’s creativity draws out our own imaginative energies.
There is also grief to be shared about the dire imbalance that humans have generated on our beloved third rock from the sun. We feel the effects of that imbalance more now than ever. We grieve as species and habitats and cultures vanish before we can even know them. We are disconnected from ourselves and each other as we connect more and more into programs, applications, and devices. The further we find ourselves isolated from nature, the more imbalanced we become as people.
I am not advocating for the abandonment of technology, not at all. Technology is one of the many ways humans have expressed our creativity across time. Indeed, it has proven to be an invaluable tool for connection when folx are isolated by distance, disability, or illness. I am curious about how to create relationships with technology that benefit the entire biosphere. I am even more deeply invested in the ways we create regenerative relationships to ourselves, each other, our meta-human relations, and this mighty Earth. I know in my gut that art and expression are tucked into those answers.
I look forward to working with you to explore your own relationships, your bond to nature, and your creative potential. I look forward to learning how technology can support these explorations in this particular moment in history and creatively addressing its limitations as well. Please send me a note if you are curious about working together and sign up for my seasonal newsletter if you would like to be informed of upcoming groups, workshops, and webinars.
“I am even more deeply invested in the ways we create regenerative relationships to ourselves, each other, our metahuman relations, and this mighty Earth. I know in my gut that art and expression are tucked into those answers.” Oof! This resonates so deeply with me. I care about all of the individual aspects you mentioned and yet there’s something greater than the sum of its parts when you bring it together like that. Thank you for doing this work. I want to join you!!